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Saturday, January 29, 2011

Government and The People

For too long many societies felt that the old adage, "who has the most gold rules" is still acceptable in these enlightened days. Gold here refers to either money or power. In any relationship that is going to survive we must accept that both parties are equal in humanity. Neither may possess the same gifts, one may good at sewing and the other good at cooking, yet as human beings, both have the same value.

Today we seem to think that value is external, so we endeavor to use all our might and power to gain positions of power and authority. When we do this we have abused the very foundation of the relationship. Too often people smile in the beginning, go along while formulating an ulterior motive. The end result being the destruction of the relationship. When people have lost trust in leadership they can become very wreck less in their decision making, and actually go from the frying pan into the fire.

Today as we look at Egypt it is clear that the issues affecting one side of the relationship has been falling on deaf ears for too long, now anger has raised it's ugly head in a very volatile part of the world. This anger can cause the entire region to become completely unstable. What I find deeply disappointing is that things did not have to go this far, however, when one party in the relationship has been attempting to be heard over and over to no avail the result is usually a potent response that can destroy both parties.

It is truly time for us to understand that those who serve in positions of authority are given our adoration, not because of who they are, but because they desire to serve their people. Today, the public has become somewhat leery about heaping praise upon those who take the lead because of the misconception that they feel they are superior to the rest of us and as a result need not give consideration to policies and the lack there of affect the wider population.

The world needs leaders who are drunk with compassion, humility, and sobriety, so that position does not cause them to become corrupt and self-centred. The same principles that apply in a husband/wife relationship also apply in the relationship between government and the people. If you are full of yourself, please leave leadership alone. If you are thin skinned please leave leadership alone. If you are insecure and plagued by jealously please leave leadership alone.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Character Driven or Emotionally Driven

Character defined in this article is, "the inherent complex of attributes that determines a persons moral and ethical actions and reactions." Emotion defined, "any strong feeling." Just from the definitions alone it is abundantly clear that we need leaders in the corporate world to ensure that they are not acting on emotion alone. This can result in the random bullet syndrom, you never know what reaction is coming forth.
Some of the strong feelings that are displayed in the work environment by leaders are detrmental to team synergy. Some of those negative expressions are; annoyance, vexation, indignation, outrage, fury, madness, anger, rage....  These types of expressions are not conducive to team building, and to simply say that one has the right by virtue of ones' position to express however they feel in whatever manner because of the position and title they hold.
Persons that led from that perspective are not what organizations need in order to be effective in building committed valued team players. At the same time, line staff need also to know that they can destroy team unity with the same negative expressions; fear, insecurity, jealousy are some of the more prevelant expressions from this group.
Leaders that are character driven have morals that are embedded in ethical reasoning. They do not jump to conclusions, they seek to understand what is affecting team members, they are very good listeners. Character driven leaders do the right thing by the organization, they allow their actions to control their attitude. They create momentum, and are very steady and dependable.
Are you someone that your team can depend on, or are you like the weather? Do you wait for momentum or do you create momentum? Do you allow attitude to control your actions? Do you have to be asked to perform or are you always performing? Here is an opportunity for you to decide what you will be driven by. If you choose to be driven by character, then you can lift your head high, if you choose to be driven by emotion, then you are a loose canon that cannot be trusted.    

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Be Driven By Character

What are you driven by? This is a vital question that must be answered. Do you have to be seen in order to perform, if you are not seen what do you do. Over and over we hear the cry about a lack of productivity. i feel that productivity is not an issue with persons that possess character.

Character driven people are motivated to do what is right, they do not require the bright lights to perform. They get their fulfillment in the process of doing what is right, it makes them feel good. Eemployees who possess character are commitment driven people, their word is most important to them. On the other hand, employees who are not character driven tend to respond to work based on how they feel, so they are never consistent with their performance.

Character driven employees make decisions on principle, while employees that are not character driven base decisions on feelings. If the business hours of the establishment are from nine to five, character driven people get to work on time, then work up to five, and if an additional hour is needed to complete the assignment they do it. Those who are not character driven rarely arrive to work on time and very often have shutdown and packed up to leave work before the five o' clock hour.

This new year we wish to encourage employees to reevaluate themselves as to weather they are character driven or not. Be honest with yourself, make a commitment to improve in this area of your life. You will find work and life more enjoyable, and you will find yourself complaining a lot less.   

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

What are you waiting for? The time is now!!

How often have we said to ourselves soon, I just need to get pass this issue first. As soon as the baby gets three. Then before we know it the whole year has passes us by, then we become sadden, angry and frustrated. You need to respect your relationship with yourself, failure to do so will result in everything becoming a priority except your desires, your dreams, your goals!!!! 

Many people do not realise it but the way in which they think has profound consequences on their outcome. Too often we blame persons who appear to be where we would like to be as part of our obstacle, when in reality, out thinking is the real culprit. You need to ask yourself, what is dragging me down? what is really stopping me from moving to the next level.

Here are a few ways of thinking you may wish to consider.
  • Defeatist Mentality - always expecting defeat
  • Vindictive Mentality - always in get even mode
  • Jealous Mentality - Always pulling down team members
  • Wishful Mentality - stop dreaming it and do it
  • Feeling Mentality - can't move until it feels right
These are a few ways of thinking that will stifle our ability to achieve. And as a result, make us become difficult people to work with. Each of us should ensure that we rid ourselves of all negative and counterproductive ways of thinking so that we can begin to achieve. 

corporate relationships: What Drives You

corporate relationships: What Drives You

Saturday, January 8, 2011

What Drives You

"The man without a purpose is like a ship without a rudder-a waif, a nothing, a no man."Thomas Carlyle

No matter who you are, you are driven by something, the word driven is a verb and a verb is doing word. To be driven means to propelled by. to be motivated by, an instinctual need. What is the real driving force in your life? As we venture into uncharted waters of this new year we should all ensure that we being driven by positive things. We do not wish for any person to be driven by negative things. Here are some of the things that have been driving our lives in the past that we must put an end to immediately.

Many persons are driven by guilt. These individuals live in the past, yet are constantly running away from the fruit of their guilt, shame and disappointment. They wished they had the courage to go after the new client that their colleague got; they wished they had the ruthlessness that the new VP had, then the position would be theirs.

 These individuals do not need any enemies, they constantly punish themselves and allow negative thoughts and perceptions to overtake their mind. They cannot take advantage of the new opportunities in front of them because they are engulfed with memories of yesterday. As a psychologist we often tell persons that they are a product of their past, but we often forget to remind them that we don't have to become prisoners of our past.

Many persons are driven by bitterness, resentment, anger and rage. These individuals are sick and tired of being overlooked, they are tired of getting the crumbs while others get the whole cake. They are tired of filling in for others with no reward at the end of the day, they are tired of being overlooked for promotions. These persons replay painful thoughts over and over in their minds all day long. They become sour to the internal customer, so God help the external customer.

Many persons are driven by greed. These individuals have an appetite that cannot be quenched. The more they get the more they want. They quickly befriend new employees that appear to be ponds that they can use for personal goals. These persons surround themselves with loyal incompetent individuals, thus creating a company within the company. What these persons don't understand is that  possessions are things, and things cannot build relationships, people do, however people who measure themselves by things are blinded to how destructive GREED can become.

Remember the housing crisis that toppled the global economy, it was fueled by greed. What we need to remember is that success is not individual, no one person is an island. If organizations are going to improve for the long haul we must create a positive team oriented environment that has as part of its culture, "All team members have the same value." Personal goals must not come before team goals. Also critical to this process is that all team players must take responsibility for addressing personal issues that have the potential to derail them and their teammates.

Friday, January 7, 2011

What Are You Looking Forward To This New Year

Here is the reality, many of us see several things that we know are important to us and our employer that must improve in this new year. The question is, how do we get these things to improve; how do we get these things to become transformed. If only we could just wish it into existence, all would be well. Why do we constantly say what needs to happen, and be passionate about it and then slowly recline into the proverbial "lazy boy" mentality. As a psychologist am often asked about crazy people, and my first response is that there are more crazy persons on jobs than all the mental institutions on the planet. When people can comfortable do the same things they did last year in the new year and sincerely look for change, that is the working definition of insanity!!

Change cannot take place unless we begin doing things differently. The first thing we need to change is our perception of ourselves. Secondly, we must change how we perceive others. Thirdly, we must change how we view obstacles, and lastly, we must embrace change by not being resistant to new ways of doing things.

Becoming comfortable with one way of doing things can lead an organization out to pasture prematurely. Setting the organizations sail in the direction of change can mean new and exciting possibilities. Happy sailing my dear friends!!!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Jurassic Style Leadership Should Be Extinct, Is It? Part Two

From the dawn of time man has found himself on a quest to subdue and control everything and everyone in his sphere.If we were to look back on the days of Attila the Hun, the Egyptian Pharaohs, the Roman Caesars, and in our more recent times the Kings of England and Adolf Hitler we can clearly see the foundations of this destructive style of leadership. Only one person was fit for leadership, it was them assumed that  all others were mere subjects, Less Than,  meaning that they had nothing to offer in the way of leadership.

To ensure that no person would dare open his or her mouth these leaders would publicly humiliate and sometimes kill  subjects to ensure that persons would not contemplate thinking for themselves and believing that they had something to offer. How is it in your organization? are you given the freedom to demonstrate your gifts and abilities? are you punished after making a good observation that shows up your boss?

Have you ever felt rejected and avoided before even being known because you appear confident? Chances are you are working with an extinct style of leadership that has no place in the twenty-first century. One of the most important things you should never do in a relationship is assume. Unfortunately, too many CEO'S and top executives assume that all is well and middle managers who realise that the top brass only relies on them for input as to how staff think and feel take full advantage of the situation.

This will then result in the general staff,  assuming,  once again the wrong perception is accepted. We must remember that to the individual perception is ninety percent of their reality. This cancer is causing serious problems in organizations today.

 The solution, two fold; stop denying the reality that is in front of you, and secondly, have the will and the gumption to transform the environment into a level playing field. Meaning that if all team members have equal worth and value as individuals let it be seen and not heard!!

Stop bragging about your suggestion box and find out why it is viewed as a complete waste of time by your staff. I find it amazing how organizations constantly talk about customer service but never seem to realise that customer service is firstly internal before it is external.  Until the style of leadership is realigned to reflect mutual respect for all team members the organization will continue to suffer from an absence of trust.

Where there is no trust, there is also no respect. 

Jurassic Style Leadership Should Be Extinct, Is It?

As we move into a new year with an array of thoughts and feelings we wish to ensure that all business entities are leaving the negatives behind and are embracing the possibilities that exist in the future.  It should become clear to all that are engaged in the business of people that unless the staff feel as if they belong; unless they feel a part of the organization, the goals set out cannot, and will not be achieved.

The environment must be set by the leaders. Too often we assume that people should be thankful that they have a job, and this thankfulness would translate into excellence in attitude and performance. The reality is NO! people by and large do appreciate the job, but more importantly, they need to feel respected by the leadership directly above them. If they don't, they tend to judge the entire leadership of the organization as uncaring. The end result, low to no commitment, poor attitudes, and the list goes on.

The question is then, how do we get rig of the dinosaurs. They are creating a serious stink! First of all we must become aware of the traits of these destructive leaders. These leaders are extremely good at saying the right things in public settings, like general staff meetings, giving an annual report to the board, president, or senior vice president. However, immediately after the meeting they quickly revert back to a style of leadership that thrives on dividing and intimidating team members.

These leaders (managers) really have little interest in the organization changing and transforming itself. They have established a system within the system that serves their own selfish goals and objectives. Yet amazingly these individuals seem to have the capacity to pull the wool over top leadership, thus consolidating their power. This then allows them to control subordinates to the point where they feel hopeless, frustrated, and disconnected from the organizations goals.

The end result is lack of commitment, lack of productivity and poor customer service. Most managers today still seem to operate like managers in the seventies. What they need to know is that business is moving at the speed of light today, and as a result of that many business find themselves dragging a broken anchor into the future that impedes their progress. Here are some of the broken anchors;
  • High level of lateness or calling in sick
  • High levels of theft
  • No clear system of addressing employees grieves
  • Threats being used as motivation
  • Zero participation in department meetings
  • Not having any meetings at all
  • Failure to encourage and praise staff
Does your organization have the gumption, the will to challenge this monster?