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Thursday, January 27, 2011

Character Driven or Emotionally Driven

Character defined in this article is, "the inherent complex of attributes that determines a persons moral and ethical actions and reactions." Emotion defined, "any strong feeling." Just from the definitions alone it is abundantly clear that we need leaders in the corporate world to ensure that they are not acting on emotion alone. This can result in the random bullet syndrom, you never know what reaction is coming forth.
Some of the strong feelings that are displayed in the work environment by leaders are detrmental to team synergy. Some of those negative expressions are; annoyance, vexation, indignation, outrage, fury, madness, anger, rage....  These types of expressions are not conducive to team building, and to simply say that one has the right by virtue of ones' position to express however they feel in whatever manner because of the position and title they hold.
Persons that led from that perspective are not what organizations need in order to be effective in building committed valued team players. At the same time, line staff need also to know that they can destroy team unity with the same negative expressions; fear, insecurity, jealousy are some of the more prevelant expressions from this group.
Leaders that are character driven have morals that are embedded in ethical reasoning. They do not jump to conclusions, they seek to understand what is affecting team members, they are very good listeners. Character driven leaders do the right thing by the organization, they allow their actions to control their attitude. They create momentum, and are very steady and dependable.
Are you someone that your team can depend on, or are you like the weather? Do you wait for momentum or do you create momentum? Do you allow attitude to control your actions? Do you have to be asked to perform or are you always performing? Here is an opportunity for you to decide what you will be driven by. If you choose to be driven by character, then you can lift your head high, if you choose to be driven by emotion, then you are a loose canon that cannot be trusted.    

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