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Thursday, January 6, 2011

Jurassic Style Leadership Should Be Extinct, Is It? Part Two

From the dawn of time man has found himself on a quest to subdue and control everything and everyone in his sphere.If we were to look back on the days of Attila the Hun, the Egyptian Pharaohs, the Roman Caesars, and in our more recent times the Kings of England and Adolf Hitler we can clearly see the foundations of this destructive style of leadership. Only one person was fit for leadership, it was them assumed that  all others were mere subjects, Less Than,  meaning that they had nothing to offer in the way of leadership.

To ensure that no person would dare open his or her mouth these leaders would publicly humiliate and sometimes kill  subjects to ensure that persons would not contemplate thinking for themselves and believing that they had something to offer. How is it in your organization? are you given the freedom to demonstrate your gifts and abilities? are you punished after making a good observation that shows up your boss?

Have you ever felt rejected and avoided before even being known because you appear confident? Chances are you are working with an extinct style of leadership that has no place in the twenty-first century. One of the most important things you should never do in a relationship is assume. Unfortunately, too many CEO'S and top executives assume that all is well and middle managers who realise that the top brass only relies on them for input as to how staff think and feel take full advantage of the situation.

This will then result in the general staff,  assuming,  once again the wrong perception is accepted. We must remember that to the individual perception is ninety percent of their reality. This cancer is causing serious problems in organizations today.

 The solution, two fold; stop denying the reality that is in front of you, and secondly, have the will and the gumption to transform the environment into a level playing field. Meaning that if all team members have equal worth and value as individuals let it be seen and not heard!!

Stop bragging about your suggestion box and find out why it is viewed as a complete waste of time by your staff. I find it amazing how organizations constantly talk about customer service but never seem to realise that customer service is firstly internal before it is external.  Until the style of leadership is realigned to reflect mutual respect for all team members the organization will continue to suffer from an absence of trust.

Where there is no trust, there is also no respect. 

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